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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: jonny graham

Title: Remorse Code.

Your unsolicited grasp

left me dumbfounded,

like the flakes of antagonistic flames

that flickered all through summer,

in a hazy tease of argumentative heat.

I gathered in the shards and splinters

of your petulant vehemence,

intent on driving them back down your throat,

you need to learn to hold back

when that cruel laugh starts to blaze.

You turned and presented to me

the dripping lexicon of your soured penitence,

as my weary bones and healing wounds

howled out their inevitable maledictions.

And so you are trapped in a cage of regret,

amusingly bewildered by me now,

you attempt to wear my hats but they don't fit,

and sorrow never sleeps upon your furrowed brow.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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