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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Peter Philips

Title: Election Day

It's Election Day
They're having a party
Some candidates are subdued
and others quite hearty.
They're chanting their message
hoping we'll sing to their tune.
But all will be forgotten
when May turns to June.

We've been here before.
It's always the same.
Pass the political parcel
a below average game.
They promise so much
and then let us down.
They smile and they preen.
Come in Mr Brown.

The Tories are lethal.
Labour is torrid.
And as for the others
most are verging on horrid.
Nick Clegg seems a sweetie
But is he in disguise?
There's one sure thing
in politics
The smoke's in our eyes.

It's Election Day.
Have you ticked your box?
I'm going for the candidate
who's for saving the fox.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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