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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Douglas Munday

Title: 1946 - A memorable year.

Warm it was, so warm
I never wanted to leave.
It was like being rocked
in the cradle of the sun ;
The fire and the ice
of my emergence being
nurtured and fashioned
into perfect shape as the
muted sounds of the
days echoed around me.

Content beyond measure,
for time was no more
than an abstract concept,
I would dream, patient
and unmindful of the hour ;
Absorbing every detail,
safe held in the knowledge
that chrysalis to butterfly
was the pre-destined and
natural order of things

I can remember journeys,
the rhythm of footsteps.
Conversations, laughter,
the strength of a hand
pressed in sweet anticipation.
Mostly though, I remember
the music ; Brahms, Haydn.
Chopin, (my mothers favourite),
and how beautiful it sounded
as I rocked in the cradle of the sun.

Douglas Andrew Munday.
Born 12th March Ninteen forty seven.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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