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  You are @ HomeAdults Stories & Scripts

Stories & Scripts

Source: Adults

Author: Barry Gee

Title: Rock ' Roll Vagabond. Part eight.

Act Three.

(After twenty seconds the girl re-enters the room and turns on the light. She looks back and calls through the door.)

Girl: I’ll just have a word with Roger about it. See how he feels.

(There are noises off. She turns and faces the man.)

Girl: There was an extremely good crowd in tonight.

Man: Almost a sell-out.

Girl: That’s not bad for a Thursday.

Man: If it had been better advertised there would have been a full-house. (laughs.)

(They walk to each other and embrace passionately.)

Girl: You were really good tonight. You even convinced me that you were an aging rocker.

Man: I feel I am growing into the part. You were pretty good yourself.

Girl: I forgot the words a few times and had to improvise. I don’t think anybody noticed.

Man: I did but I don’t think it made any difference. It was close enough to the original.

(Man takes off his wig and reveals his natural hair.)

Man: It feels good to take that off. It makes my scalp itch. The talcum powder doesn’t help very much.

(They kiss again.)

Girl: You look dishier without it. I don’t really fancy you much when you’re wearing the wig. You’re sexier without it.

Man: Who could possible fancy a man with long, grey, straggly hair? It’s beyond me.

Girl: Oh. I forgot. Peter wants to know if we want to go out for a meal and a few drinks.

Man: I don’t know. I’m feeling a bit tired.

Girl: We won’t stay late. He wants to talk to me about another play he’s directing in the West End. He thinks there’s a role that I am totally suited for. It’s a lead. Peter thinks it’s going to be a hit and will probably transfer to New York at some time. It’s a big opportunity for me.

Man: Is there anything in it for me?

Girl: He didn’t mention you but he could probably find you something. It won’t be a leading role but it’ll be work.

Man: I don’t think I want to go back to supporting parts unless it’s Shakespeare. For the privilege of speaking the Bard’s words I would take any role with pride. Even a non-speaking role.

Girl: You really come from the old-school of acting. I prefer the modern things, written by people who are still living. So? Are we going with Peter? Wendy will be there. Maybe John will come.

Man: I don’t fancy a crowd of people tonight.

Girl: It’s not a crowd. There will only be four or five of us. Peter knows a good restaurant just a few minutes from the theatre. They do wonderful scallops.

Man: I’m not really hungry right now. I need to relax for a while before I eat.

Girl: So just come for a couple drinks.

Man: I told you. I’m feeling a bit tired tonight. If today was Saturday and Sunday was a day off then I’d be more than ready but tomorrow we’ve got two shows. You haven’t forgotten the Friday matinee, have you?

Girl: No. It doesn’t have to be a late night. Just a quick meal and a couple of drinks, that’s all.

Man: With Peter it’s never just a couple drinks and he suffers with insomnia so he doesn’t care what time he goes to bed. He told me he only sleeps three hours a night. Not me. I need my eight hours or I can’t function properly during the day.

Girl: So? What do you want to do?

Man: I thought we could pick up a takeaway and then go back to our room. There’s a good bottle of Bourgogne in my suitcase. Maybe there’s something on the television. I’d like to relax with a good film. Preferably something in black and white.

Girl: I don’t know what you see in those old films. I think they’re boring.

Man: Some of the best films ever were made in black and white.

Girl: Sorry. I grew up with colour. I’ve never known anything else.

Man: You don’t know what you’re missing.

Girl: So? Do I tell Peter we’re coming?

Man: No. Not tonight. Why don’t you go and you can join me back at the hotel when you’ve finished. I’ll warm your side of the bed.

Girl: I’m not going without you.

Man: Why ever not? Peter wants to talk with you, not me. I think he fancies you.

Girl: Don’t be silly.

Man: I’m not being silly. I’ve seen the way he looks at you. He leers.

Girl: He leers? What on earth are you talking about? We have a professional relationship. He’s the director...I’m an actress. That’s all. He doesn’t fancy me. He knows I’m with you.

Man: I know what men are like. He’s no different. You’re young, beautiful and sexy. All men fancy you.

Girl: Well, he doesn’t. I would have noticed.

Man: Go if you want to but I’m going back to the hotel and put my feet up. You have a key to the room, haven’t you?

Girl: Yes, but I’m not going without you.

Man: Go! We’re not joined at the hip. Go out and have a good time. I’m not going.

Girl: You never want to go anywhere.

Man: That’s not true.

Girl: It is. All you ever want to do is go back to your room and sit around doing nothing until it’s time for bed.

Man: I said we could get a takeaway and watch the television. There’s bound to be something we want to see.

Girl: I’d rather go out for a decent meal.

Man: I told you to go if that’s what you really want to do.

Girl: And I said that I’m not going without you.

Man: I would rather you went or else I’m not going to hear the end of it. You’ll remind me all the time of how I never want to go anywhere and you’ll tell me how boring I am.

Girl: I’ve never said that you were boring.

Man: But you’ve insinuated it. You didn’t have to tell me.

Girl: You’re not boring. I find you incredibly interesting. You’ve done so much and been to so many places but tonight all I’m asking is that you’ll come out for a drink. That’s all.

Man: Sorry. I’m going to have to say no.

Girl: Alright then. I’ll go by myself. I really want to talk to Peter about that part. When this run is over I’ll be unemployed, or ‘resting’, as you put it and I need to line something up. I can’t afford not to work.

Man: Me neither but tonight I want to forget about work and just relax.

Girl: OK. You do that. Do you want me to bring you anything back?

Man: No. I’ll pick up a takeaway.

Girl: So I’ll go then. Are you sure you don’t want to come?

Man: I’m sure. You go and have a good time with Peter and I’ll see you when you get back.

Girl: You’re not jealous, are you? You sound like you are.

Man: Jealous of Peter? Of course not. He’s not your type.

Girl: Type? What is my type?

Man: Someone like me, I hope.

Girl: Yes. You’re my type.

Man: I’ll come and say goodnight to the others.

Girl: I’ll try not to be too late. I hope you’re still awake when I get back.

(She embraces him passionately and then they walk out the door and turn the light out. The stage is in darkness.)

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Stories & Scripts

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