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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Greg Lawson

Title: The Chain

Unravelling my love for you could last a lifetime

Old emotions have descended into ravines of mist

Memories become cloudy through hazy years of change

But time moves ever onward

Over mountains of struggle and through harmonious plateaus of peace

Into dark forests of fear and around fires of pleasure

We shared bottles, beds and hearts

Desirous of only the moment

But aware of another connection, a new link in that invisible chain

Binding us more deeply than we could ever understand

Deep into a future where nothing can possibly be known

Where you may yearn for someone else

And I might crave a solitary space

But the chain won’t break; pull it and I will appear

A new link is established and the chain becomes stronger

Only the waves of time can erode it

But we possess a spiritual connection

Where two souls share the same view

And time can only mean the everlasting present.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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