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  You are @ HomeAdults First Chapters

First Chapters

Source: Adults

Author: jenny lindon

Title: Behind Closed Doors

The person who I write about, I wish to remain anonymous. They are an important part of my life but I still respect their identity. Many people will be able to relate to this, and I hope many will be able to see the future of their loved ones, and not end up here where I am now.

Alcohol is a killer. It doesn't solve your problems it makes them worse. After 15 years of hiding from your fears, the drink no longer works. It only destroys you and everyone around you. Through personal experience you realise that your problems are still there, no matter how many bottles of wine you drink, you want to stop but cant because your body depends on the fix, and you have tried to detox but only ended up comatosed, alcohol has taken over you life there is no way out.

15 Years on and 21,900 bottles later. You’re as good as dead. There is no hair on your head, your nails are blue. Bedridden and immobile is your daily routine. Your families who still love you dearly are at their wits end. We can only make you comfortable and tell you how much we love you.

You’re aware of your failings and what life has to give, but it’s gone too far, and time is running out.

I will continue to wash you, clear up your vomit. Tempt you with food and supply you with wine, as I can’t bear to see you suffer, it’s what is keeping you alive. But time is running out and it’s too late to change you. But I hope your story will help fellow addicts. Your 52 years young with so much too give. A beautiful, caring and loving woman who should never have ended up here.

I know it won’t be long, then I can’t help you anymore, and goodbye will be all I can say as I walk away. You only had me and a few more for support, you were isolated and secluded through your addiction, I beg and petition through your own deprivation, that others will be supported and recognise this pain, it’s an illness just like heroin where morphine is subscribed, and alcoholism is an addiction a passport to death.

Please use my story to help addicts, families and medical professions, local governments, mps and even the Queen herself, to help more people who suffer in silence, who are ridiculed by the NHS and left to die alone.

Alcohol is the cheapest DRUG available and more are addicted and die from this substance everyday.

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