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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Douglas Munday

Title: Summer in the city

On a memory of London
and a longing for Wales.

Stretched to the sky, so tall
that I can hardly see the sun
and only dream of summer
glowing in those places I have known ;
And high, so high above
that I can barely see as far,
sunlight is trapped in ivory towers
more glittered than the brightest star.

And in this triumph of decay,
where empires daily rise and daily fall,
I mourn as summer takes it leave,
mourn every minute, every hour of every day.

For I would rather have
the tender windblown grass
about my feet ; feel all the
vibrant high midsummer's heat ;
Be where the sunlight
lies amidst the slant of green
and ancient hills, and watch
the sun glow freely as it ever will.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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