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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Peter Philips

Title: Becoming Someone Else

I used to be a worker.
I toiled from nine to five.
Of course I used to moan a bit
But at least I felt alive.

Then one day I was ousted
By a young and grinning man.
He told me to collect my things and go.
My life went down the pan.

When you've worked somewhere
For fifteen years you might think you're OK
But the ousters don't give a damn
To them it's just another day.

My first thoughts were to get on with it.
And find another job.
But now I've become someone else.
An unemployed blob.

There are lots of blobs in my town.
We blob from space to space.
In search of something that isn't there.
It's written on our face.

So, if you are asked to leave.
My advice to you would be.
Fight your corner, seek a reprieve,.
Or you might turn into me.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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