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A day in my life
Thursday 28th october 2010
The alarm on my cell phone doesn’t need to ring anymore. I’m now in the habit of waking at 5-45am, the time I need to get up and prepare for work. It’s amazing how our body clock gets into this mode. This automatic waking at the right time. After eating for my breakfast some chocolate Frosties, which I bought in mistake for the normal ones I said goodbye to my daughter Ellie and my fourish year old grandson Ty, and rushed out of the door and down the concrete steps onto the dusty street where Mr Channa, was waiting for me. He was sitting in his Tuk Tuk with his ear pressed up to his one proud possession, his radio. On seeing me he jumped up and brush down the piece of material that covered the plastic seat and got out of the Tuk Tuk. “ Good morning Mr Channa”. I said. "Good morning Madam”, he replied. There was no need to tell him where I wanted to go, he knew, he takes me to school every morning. Feeling positive for once, maybe of course as two days holiday was looming, I smiled to myself as we trundle along, me dressed in leggings a tee shirt and flip flops and thinking how different this was, then going to work in my previous life in West Bridgford. Dressed very smartly in a skirt and blouse and driving down Melton Road in my Peugeot 205. Arriving at school I walked into the playground were the children were all lined up ready to go into their respective classes. They shouted, “Good morning teacher.” Me! Do they really mean ME! A teacher how come? I'd never taught before coming to Cambodia so I’d had no training. But I was the perfect candidate. White, female and English. What more could you ask for? I didn’t even have an interview at the school just a phone call out of the blue one Friday afternoon from the Principle saying, ‘Can you start teaching on Monday? So why not? I did! No one ever questioned me, told me anything or even sat in on my class to check how good (or bad) I was. I just muddled along. Not that difficult though as the kids were aged two to five. The main problem was of course none of them spoke English. Amazingly after three months with me there doing ok. This morning my children came into class and gave me a hug and sat down for circle time. We sang some songs and we went round the circle each child muttering their name, its amazing how my children can shout and scream when they play but when you ask them to speak in class they all whisper and they do this without moving their lips. Fantastic! Time for the breakfast break, then we boarded the bus to the swimming pool only 6 children were going swimming, two teaching assistants, two nannies and me, so an easy morning. It was fine. We all had a great time Little Sna, new to swimming, went in the pool with his school uniform on but we didn’t worry about that. He had a good time and got over his nervousness of the water. After they had all got out of the pool and got changed I bought them French fries with tomato dip. Gosh I bet in the West that would be frowned upon by their parents. Not here though! It beats a bowl of rice any day.
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> A day in my life