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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Rhona Aitken

Title: Mary’s Baby

Did Mary feel a deep serenity
gazing on her new-born son?
Did she smooth soft, errant wisps of silken hair;
smile into shining baby eyes
as she swaddled him in love.
He lay peacefully upon sweet-smelling straw,
nuzzled by curious calves;
eyed by snuffling sheep.

Was she surprised when the night-sky,
resplendent in tropical stars,
lured those abroad to their stable door -
easing the passage of passing kings,
curious shepherds following in their wake -
all soon enslaved by some unspoken brush
with destiny that touched their hearts.

Joseph knew what they had felt
as he knelt in loving awe beside his sleeping son,
in an unknowing knowledge
that would eclipse his world
and ours - for ever.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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