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  You are @ HomeAdults Salutations


Source: Adults

Author: Jason Minty

Title: Your Starter for Eleven

Bevan from Devon
was only eleven
when he met
Karen and Darren
and me.

School mates you see.

Now eleven years later
he's more than elated
'cos Karen agreed
when he bent on one knee
to be his wife.

Foolish but kinda nice?

They're to be married in '11
with Darren as Best Man.
And (their idea of heaven)
They've invited everyone they can.

Big crowd!

I've been earmarked for the Stag Night.
Eleven us will be there.
It's on 11/11/11
But do we really care?

Well yes, to be honest.
It's a bit late in the year.

So, let's toast them now.
We all know how.
Lift your glass
And have a blast.

Your Starter for Eleven!


Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Salutations

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