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  You are @ HomeAdults London 2012

London 2012

Source: Adults

Author: Jen Hazelton

Title: Just Another London Story

Chloe stared at the venue of the London 2012 Olympic Games on her way to St Pancras station. It was then that it really hit her that she was leaving England forever. A tear came to her eye, but she was brought out of her reverie by the suitcase she was pulling hitting a stone in the road and tipping over. Again. She had always hated those things.

It hadn’t taken her long to make the decision to leave, after she had found out. She had nothing left to stay for. Lucy was enjoying herself at university, and wouldn’t miss her big sister any more. And Sam was a filthy lying cheat whom she never wanted to set eyes on again as long as she lived.

Chloe looked at the sky; she had heard it stopped you from crying. Didn’t seem to be working very well. A big, fat, salty tear rolled down her cheek. Another one followed it, partly out of anger that she couldn’t hold in the first. She felt a hand on her shoulder. The last thing she wanted right now was someone asking the way to the nearest Primark. Or, even worse, asking her if she was alright. She sighed, making it obvious that she didn’t want to talk. Or so she thought.


Persistence. Not a trait she admired right now. Though he did have a deep voice, which she liked, and a really cute French accent.

She tried not to sniff too loudly, and turned around to come face to face with the most beautiful man she had ever seen in her life. She could actually see the sky clear a little bit behind his scruffy brown hair and the sun reflect in his gorgeous green eyes.

She blinked quickly to try to clear the tears from her eyes.

“You dropped this near the Olympics stadium,” he said in that amazing voice, handing her her passport.

“Did I? Well, thank you so much for bringing it back! How could I have dropped my passport?” she wondered aloud.

“It’s easily done,” he tried to reassure her. She looked incredulous, and he shrugged his shoulders. He really was tall. And well dressed. Focus, Chloe!

“So maybe not then. May I ask your name?”

“Chloe. Yours?”


Cute, she thought.

“Chloe, may I invite you to lunch, if you’re not in a hurry?”

She most certainly was not in a hurry. She had left three hours early. She just couldn’t be in that house any longer. And, honestly, even if she was in a hurry she would have gone to lunch. Rémy was lovely.

“I’ve got a couple of hours until my train, and I am hungry. Skipped breakfast.”

Okay, when he smiled she actually melted a little bit. Wow. He was absolutely gorgeous! He took hold of her suitcase (she was so happy to get rid of that thing!) and began to walk down the road. She put her passport in her bag and followed him. He led her to an adorable café she had never seen before, and held the door open for her. A proper gentleman. Finally.

She sat at a table by the window, with a vase of pink roses on the windowsill. She looked outside and saw an Olympic flag. She smiled, knowing that in a couple of hours she would be gone forever. She was more excited than sad now.

“Where are you going?” asked Rémy once their food had arrived. She looked quizzical, so he explained. “You said your train doesn’t leave for two hours. Where are you going?”

“Paris. I’ve decided to live in Paris. I’ve wanted to for a few years, but I always had a reason to stay. Until now.”

“Where in Paris?” Thank God he focused on that part.

“I found a flat in Montmartre, and I’m going to apply for a few jobs around the city. I’m a teacher.” He looked impressed when she said that.

“You speak French?”

“I have a degree in French and Italian.” He looked even more impressed. “What do you do?”

“I own a restaurant near the Notre Dame.” Now it was Chloe’s turn to look impressed. Which made him smile again. Which was just amazing. “What time is your train?”

“Half past three.” He smiled again, and at her questioning expression explained. “I’m returning to Paris today, and I think we will get the same train. Is your station St Pancras?” She nodded, unexplainably happy. She tried not to let it show, but probably failed miserably.

“We should leave, to get to there in time. Would you like me to take your suitcase?”

“That would be brilliant, thank you.” From all the men she had ever known, none except Rémy would have offered to pull a suitcase for her. Especially not a shocking pink one.

When they arrived at the station, he handed her suitcase back. “Wait here one minute, please,” he asked, and strode off to a ticket booth. Hadn’t he bought one yet? That seemed a bit weird. He came back, and handed her a ticket. “But I – I already have one?” She was completely confused. But it didn’t look like the ticket she already had. “Is this first class?”

“Of course. You will travel first class with me. Otherwise you won’t have a seat and you will be uncomfortable. And I don’t want you to be uncomfortable. Anyway, it’s much nicer in first class.”

“I don’t know what to say... Thank you. Really, thank you.”

De rien. Come with me.” He picked up the suitcase and led her to her carriage. It was almost empty, and the seats were spacious and unbelievably comfortable. She sat near the window, and saw yet another Olympic flag as the train started moving. She was leaving England, leaving London and the Olympics, and starting a new life in Paris with Rémy. Actually the nicest man in the world. She smiled. Perfect.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > London 2012

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