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  You are @ HomeAdults A day in my life

A day in my life

Source: Adults

Author: E.J. Kinman

Title: A day in my life

Sitting in front of the television, I swear to myself again, I will quit smoking after this pack. Everyday, the same promise. I think to myself, "I am a good mom. I have raised good children. Surely, this counts as success, but as I sit in front of the television, I swear, I am a loser. I am going to get a job at the Walmart soon because I can't think of anything else to do.

Literary agents blog that one must have connections, pedigrees... and a story to tell to be considered for publication. Then they want a complete synopsis of the new author's story. Excuse me. My story took 8 years to write and it hurt me. I'm not giving the synopsis to anyone.

I must get that job soon. Every day is a Wednesday for me. Wednesday is hump day. I feel like Sisyphus (learned that in Community College).

The working title of my book was Apophis, the Ozone, and Sweet Sarah Lee. When I completed the book, I changed the title to Sarahland. It's a temporary title as well, I guess.

I wish there was a theatre group in my community, or a writer's club, but my reputation precedes me, so I don't think I can organize one (that's organise in Britain, I think).

I love the operational characteristics of this site. Computer geniuses are scary. Don't we all have enough trouble speaking the languages of the world without having to make an attempt at computer code?

An aside to my sister: If you are reading this, please exit and call me! What the heck, just call me anyway!

Now you see why I write, sometimes. I usually don't write unless I have a story outlined and definite plan to go by. A book is extremely difficult to write. I don't write fluffy stories. I don't write horror unless it just a part of a bigger story. I think. Then I write. Right now I'm just writing.

Goodbye for now. I hope tomorrow is not Wednesday. Woops, it is!

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