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Rhona Aitken
Leaning on the car-park rail, gazing past the idled road - there was the sea. No sun-lit sparkles, no lapping waves; the low tide had sucked that beauty far away, leaving in it’s banishment mud - swirls of torpid black and brown; the occasional puddle of water lingering - no reflection.
Dotted in random groups birds waded, strutted, sat, preened, calm and serene this sunny day. Then - without warning they flared into life - a waving curtain of purpose. No confusion there, no muddled flight. They chose the same moment, the same direction. One minute that curtain was black - then they turned and their white underbellies swept the seascape.
A twist - a turn - a spiral of wings before, en masse, they settled down again.
Leaning on that car-park rail in front of me acres of birds resting, behind me a sea of static cars. Soon, my car would take off - all on its own. No flight path. No spiral of wings - what a pity.
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> Poetry