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  You are @ HomeAdults A day in my life

A day in my life

Source: Adults

Author: Rhona Aitken

Title: Conversations from Beeching House

“Well - they told me I was a miracle.”
“Why was that?”
“Well I’ve been on this very expensive pill. They don’t give it to anyone you know. I’ve been on it for three years and the doctor told me that it was so strong that no-one could be on it for more than two years or they’d die”
“it’s a miracle I’m alive.”
“You’re lucky.”
“Well I don’t know about that. Its like living with a death warrant.”
“How old are you?”
”I’m 89 - but I doubt I’ll see ninety.”
“Well do you want so reach ninety so badly.?”
.” They said I was a miracle. Don’t you want to be ninety?”
“I can’t say I do actually. I’ve lived so long already. I’ve had enough aches and pains. Go out on a ‘high’ I say.”
“Well I’ve had such bad health. Its my blood you see. It gets to my legs and that’s bad. I’m iller than I look.”
“I think you look wonderful for 89.”
“Well I’ve just had my hair done.”
“Ah! That does make a difference.”
She nods vigorously. “Yes - but I assure you I’m not.well Not at all.”
“Oh - poor you.
A big nod of her newly coiffeured head. “Yes - I’ve suffered. I’m much iller than I look.”
“Yes you said. Enjoy your tea - there’s a lovely cake today - a very rich chocolate slice.”
She nods. She can’t talk she has her mouth full.

Little Dorothy has just entered the lounge. As usual without her hearing aids.
“Whats for supper?”
At the top of her voice - making everyone jump “Where is your hearing aid Dorothy ?”-
“I don’t know.”
“If you put it in your ear and then leave it there - you won’t lose it, and, even better - you will hear what everyone is saying.”
“What did you say?”
Diana repeats it - very loudly. “Then Dorothy you won’t have a problem.”
“Whats a programme.
“No Dorothy - not a ‘ programme’ - a ‘problem’
“Is that lovely lady coming to sing to us? That was a lovely programme.”
Diana wants to ruffle through Dorothy’s handbag in an effort to find that crucial hearing-aid. Usually Dorothy loses the hand-bag. In the loo, or half-way up the stairs. She takes it everywhere. Why - -no-one knows. Probably just habit. The only thing in it seems to be a handkerchief.
“Can you remember where you left your bag - when did you last see it.”
A little later. They still haven’t found it, but it is nearly supper time. Diana tries once more to find out what Dorothy wants for supper. For some reason she thinks she will have beans on toast.
“We haven’t got beans on toast tonight. But I’ll bring you something nice.”
“Yes - but a slice of what“
“No - something NICE - Dorothy.”
“OH - rice………
Diana vanishes at speed into the kitchen. It is actually macaroni cheese this evening - I dread to think…..
So many things rhyme with cheese! I suggest - give it to her and run! But Diana is too patient for that.

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