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  You are @ HomeAdults Memory Book

Memory Book

Source: Adults

Author: Pamela Mutch

Title: I am Calling You From Heaven

I am calling you from heaven,

to tell you all is well,

my memory has come back now,

and everything is just swell.

The Lord came to get me,

and brought me to this place,

my own little house here,

filled with love and grace.

A place He had prepared for me,

He told me as we walked,

and I chatted and skipped merrily,

as we smiled and laughed and talked.

I see from a better vantage point,

than those I have left behind,

and I want to say with gratitude,

thank you all for being so kind..

Ask the doctors and scientists,

to keep on with their research,

because God is watching closely,

and a cure is within thier reach.

It was hard I know for all of you,

to help me near the end,

when my memory faded quickly,

and my love I couldn't send.

But know Iam so gratefull,

for all you did for me,

and before long I hope,

no one else will be like me.

Pamela Mutch

C 2011-11-15

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Memory Book

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