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Stories & Scripts

Source: Youngsters, Adults

Author: David Neno

Title: The True Story Of Rain

High above the ground, in the middle of a big white cloud, lived Derek, the biggest raindrop you have ever seen. He had lived inside the same cloud for as long as he could remember. He had travelled over many countries and watched his friends turn into hailstones and snowflakes. He had listened to them laughing as they raced each other down to the ground but not once had he felt like joining them.
One hot day, as they passed over a desert, Derek noticed that the cloud had started to shrink. All the raindrops gathered in the middle of the cloud to discuss their situation.
“We can’t stay here, that’s for certain,” said Professor Patter who was the Mother of all Downpours.
“I think we should hang on here for a bit longer chaps,” said Captain Misty, who was Head of Light Drizzle. “We should save ourselves until night-time and make a nice cooling shower.” All the tiny drizzle droplets nodded in agreement.
“No, no, no!” rumbled Lord Gloom who was Master of Storms. “If my large drops all go at once we can soak the people in that village down there. Won’t that be fun?”
“Actually that sounds quite mean,” said Derek, “I vote we stay here.”
“We can’t,” said Professor Patter. “Our cloud is still shrinking and by the time we are half-way across the desert it will be completely gone. Besides, look at all the people down there waving at us.”
The people below had never seen a cloud before. They shouted and cheered up into the sky, for their lake had run dry and their crops needed water. Some of the people ran over to the scorched lake and pointed hopefully.
“Right men, attention!” barked Captain Misty who looked on with pride as his droplets saluted smartly in front of him. “We’re going in. Those people down there need us so we have a job to do. Prepare to start falling.”
“Wait,” shouted Professor Patter, “there are too few of you. If we don’t all go there won’t be enough of us to fill the lake.” She looked toward Lord Gloom who groaned a thunderous groan.
“Very well, you can count my raindrops in but this doesn’t sound like it’s going to be much fun,” he grumbled.
“There are still not enough,” said the Professor, quickly counting all the volunteers. She looked around until her gaze fell on Derek, who backed away.
“Oh no,” he said, “I’m not falling for this one.”
“But we need you,” said Professor Patter, “you’re the biggest raindrop here and you would make a huge difference to those people below.”
“But it’s such a long way down,” said Derek.
“Nonsense,” said Captain Misty, “besides, it’s a wonderful feeling to fly through the air in formation and land with a big splash.”
Derek frowned. “It sounds more like crash to me.”
By now, the shrinking cloud was almost over the lake and Captain Misty turned to Derek. “My people will go first,” he said, “you follow and we’ll catch you.” He turned back to his droplets. “Ready team?” he asked. They nodded eagerly. “Very good, three…two….one….go!” Captain Misty fell from the cloud and all the tiny droplets of drizzle followed him down towards the dry lake. As they fell they laughed and cheered, tumbling over and over in the sky.
“Right men,” Lord Gloom said to his raindrops, “I don’t want Captain Misty to take all the glory here so let’s put on a good show for the people below. Straight down into the middle of the lake, no messing around and I will be deducting points for bad landings. Understood?” The drops nodded seriously. “Fine,” said Lord Gloom, “in that case…CHARGE!” And as his voice thundered through the skies, he threw himself out of the cloud with all his drops pouring after him.
The people below had never seen such a wonderful sight as the drizzle turned to a downpour over their lake. Derek looked at the Professor who was getting ready to jump.
“Actually, Professor, I have a secret that I’ve never told anybody,” he said nervously. “I’ve never fallen from our cloud because I‘m afraid of heights.”
The Professor looked thoughtful for a moment before saying, “Think of it this way -the quicker you fall, the closer to the ground you will be. The closer to the ground you are the less reason you’ll have to be frightened of heights.”
Derek smiled. “I’ve never looked at it like that before.”
“And think how much those people below need someone like you.”
The Professor grinned then gathered all the remaining raindrops and fell down towards the lake. Just as the last bit of cloud disappeared Derek took a step forwards, closed his eyes and jumped. Flying down through the sky, Derek had never felt so free and so alive. As he opened his eyes his smile turned to a laugh that turned into whoops of joy as he somersaulted through the warm air. “Wheee! This is fun!” he shouted.
“Come on in, the water’s lovely,” called Captain Misty as Derek headed straight for the lake. With a huge splash he landed perfectly in the middle and bobbed around for a few seconds as he caught his breath. The water level rose to the very top of the lake and all the other raindrops smiled at Derek. The people from the village danced and sang with joy.
“Well done Derek old boy, glad you could make it,” said Captain Misty.
“Yes, nice landing,” said Lord Gloom enviously from just outside the middle of the lake.
Professor Patter floated over towards Derek. “See, that wasn’t so bad, was it?”
“No, it was a brilliant feeling, you were right. But please don’t tell the other raindrops about my secret,” he asked.
The Professor smiled back. “Of course I won’t,” she said. “After all, who’s ever heard of a raindrop that’s too frightened to fall?”

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