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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Douglas Munday

Title: Black Cat

Black as sin, with amber eye
owning all beneath the sky,
and how he dances, prances, weaves,
a shadow faint beneath the trees,
wrapped in his world, but so aware,
and Oh! that dark and liquid stare;
wherein his quickened thoughts divine
all knowledge since the dawn of time.

And I am lost, yea, thrice times three,
to all his awesome majesty,
steel interleaved with lace,
part fearsome claw, part gentle grace;
soft mannered - though to only suit,
for he is both benign and brute;
With blood more bluer than them all,
he has no principles at all.

Black Cat is a regular visitor to my garden. We have a kind of unspoken 'entente cordiale' whereby he won't attempt to eat my little friend the robin, and in return I shall allow him free roaming rights over my land.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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