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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Douglas Munday

Title: Moonbeams and windows.

When you dream, you know what you really want;
And yet, how the day lingers in the mind as sleep eludes,
thumbed abstractedly by the relentless tick-tock
of the omnipresent clock.

When you dream, the moon plays skittish hide and seek
behind the clouds; passing from air to glass and back to air,
seeming through half closed eyes the brightest star,
so close and yet so very far.

When you dream, you dream of might have beens,
those pencilled sketches on a half completed canvas,
that like those things you simply choose to leave undone
still wait impatient for the new day yet to come.

And when you dream, there is a certain quickening of the heart,
a deep unfolding of how everything is made; Until sleep,
its slender thread outlined against the faint lit sky,
blanks out the watching moon come by and by.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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