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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Emma Lashley

Title: The Fire

Bright, dancing flames licking up the walls

Of my soul, my being - my heart.

How did this fire ever start?

Now I watch as it spreads and calls.

The flickering flames are beautiful: Exciting.

They turn my head; I’m transfixed.

I should turn back but my gaze is fixed.

The decision is dangerous but I won’t be fighting.

The heat is enticing, I want to feel its touch.

I know it will hurt this burning desire

But fighting makes it stronger it adds fuel to the fire.

It grows and it builds – becomes too much.

Destruction seems to prevail as it engulfs and flashes

But like the phoenix new life and promise can rise from the ashes.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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