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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: jonny graham

Title: Put all the old people in prison.

Let's put all the old people in prison,
where they will receive,
free bed and board,
a hot shower daily,
modern video surveillance,
round- the- clock security response,
three hot meals a day,
free access to gym facilities,
free internet access,
library facilities,
colour tv with no licence fee,
on-site doctor,
free medication.

And then...

Let's put all the criminals in care homes,
where they will receive,
lukewarm food,
two showers weekly,
small room,
extortionate rent,
restricted tv access,
no visitors,
no on-site doctor,
no gym,
no internet access,
lights out at 7 pm.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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