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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Douglas Munday

Title: Pigeon pie

Pigeons! They know the score alright.
Ever grateful for those crumbs that slip
from higher tables than their own,
and always most accurately contemptuous
of the monumental follies of mankind.

Perhaps we should all become pigeons? I mean,
aside from the ability to nest pretty much where
one chooses, the cuisine is excellent; berries,
fruit, plenty of greens, the odd spider or insect,
not to mention those delicious free crumbs.

And neither of course is the pigeon fraternity stupid,
'tis a fact they can recognise all twenty six letters of the
english alphabet, (I know some folk who can't do that);
furthermore, their homing instincts make satellite
navigation seem like a primitive stab in the dark.

My only concern of course, would be the chance
of being done to death and turned into a pie.
Then again, there is a downside to everything
and I suppose if it was good enough for four and
twenty blackbirds, at least I'd be in good company.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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