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  You are @ HomeAdults Chuckle Buzz

Chuckle Buzz

Source: Adults

Author: Rhona Aitken

Title: The dangling key

Robson - darling little boy -
thought the family car a toy.
He eyed the brake, the shiny wheel
and thought how tempting it would feel
to turn the key that dangled down
and take a tour around the town.
Considering he was only seven
he had not contemplated heaven
as a useful destination;
nor the future ruination
of his Father’s car.

Bright-eyed he sat behind the wheel,
reached for the key and turned with zeal.
Those various things beneath the bonnet
erupted like an eager comet.
Down the road and up the hill
he vanished like a whirlwind ‘till
he turned the wheel in a direction
that really needed circumspection.
Alas! he veered towards the right -
pedestrians called it “quite a sight” -
he flew unfettered through the air
because no road had been built there.

He soared above the promenade
and landed on the quay-side - hard.
This broke the chassis, lost the wheels,
and air-borne - Robson joined the seals
that swam within the little bay.
It really spoilt the poor lad’s day.
They bandaged him when he reached heaven -
quite an adventure when you’re seven.
On earth the lad was sorely missed
and all his pictures hugged and kissed.
They missed the car - oh so much - too
unfortunately - it had been new.

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