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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Douglas Munday

Title: Chains

Days come, days go, unbending, drearily
unending, one step in front of the other,
imperfect in their progress, forging chains
stronger even than imagination itself.

It's like the careless undressing of adoration -
or wrapping the moon in brown paper and
forsaking a festive ribbon, allowing
everything to fade, until all that's left
are promises we never remember keeping.

But, just then, the five year old child
lying sleepy in my arms, looks up and
whispers, 'I love you so much grandpa';
And the chains break, dissolved into nothing
by the sweet-salt taste of a single tear of love;
And truth be told, the chains never stood a chance.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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