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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Stuart Johnson

Title: Fascinating Football Player Interview

More monotone waffle, more cliche-infested waffle
More sense out of Offal, more enlightenment from Offal

Just call him " The Gaffer ", start every line with " The Gaffer "
Please spare us all the blather, please seal his mouth with Gaffer

The less syllables the better, the less syllables the better
With a vocab as diverse as a segment of Greek Feta

You " knew it would be a tough game ", you " knew it would be a tough game "
Is it in your contract to feed us tripe? In your remit to speak so lame?

Oh god here comes that Rooney thing, take me off to the loony bin
Drown out his tedious drone, someone please smash the microphone

And now they're let loose on Twitter, spouting mouths off on Twitter
With yet more pointless chitter, from a useless opinion transmitter

Outta my mind I am going, Outta my mind I am going
Abandon me in a desert, rather watch tumbleweed blowing

And my brain is decaying, will-to-live it is straying
And my skin it is peeling, you're un-insightful, unappealing
I'm not so much climbing the walls, as moonwalking the ceiling

Pass the remote, where the hell is the "OFF" button?
Where the hell is the remote, where the f*** is the "OFF" button?!
( Repeat seven hundred and thirty six times )
( Repeat two thousand and fifty six times...........................

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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