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Rhona Aitken
Waste Not - Want Not!
Waste Not - Want Not
Grandmama and children five paraded slowly down the drive. Each tightened fist contained a bunch of flowers and a packed up lunch. Grandmama said “Now be brave - we’ll go to dear Papa’s poor grave. We’ll plant some lovely flowers there and offer up a little prayer.” She told her tearful little flock “We’ll plant his favourite - scented stock! We must not weep or be down-hearted, though ‘tis sad that we’re now parted.”
Poor Grandpapa was laid close by the Chester race-course railings. Why? “Well!” Grandmama was heard to say “He lost his money there each day! he might as well enjoy its aura, though it made us all much poorer. The hooves that thunder past his head should keep him happy - live or dead.” From Grandma’s bright reticule came seeds and useful gardening tool. The children cleared away the weeds and neatly planted all the seeds.
Once home their life continued gaily. Spring slowly turned to summer daily. “Now dears - lets visit dear Papa and see how all the flowers are.” Grandmama bent low to sniff the scented stock - but not a whiff. No dainty blossoms cloaked the plot. Aghast they gazed. They gazed at what grew thick and lush in summer dress; Grew parsley, lettuce, carrots, cress! “Ooh!” cried Granny “Goodness me!” And took it all back home for tea. Which possibly explains the tale Why Mother’s salads are so pale Why lettuce, parsley, carrots, cress Still seem to cause her much distress.
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> Poetry