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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Mark Anthony Jackson

Title: Maybe For Change

Try not to take this lightly
People always seem to deny me
But the only reason I do this
Is to help you all get through it...
Why are you living for yourself?
Are you fulfilled?
Or do you crave more of what you cannot find?
I've seen the worst of humanity at its best
And the best of us at our worst
Which do you really think is better?
Those with the power to do good, but do not...
Or those without the power who do
Are you better than the filthy underdeveloped family that fed me
They fed me their last bit of bread and rice
Yet I die for you
Sit in the comfort and warmth of your home
The anger for me is far
I only feel pity
Not pity for that family who fed me their last
But pity for the family that eats until they are full...
Those who think a simple prayer for us before that meal is enough
Because I know the truth
Fulfillment is not the passing of your wealth into your stomach
But the passing of your last to another without regard

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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