Profile for EJ Cole
I am 29 years old and have a daughter of four. I was a stay at home mum for a while and have been working as a childminder for the past year, looking after 18 month old twin girls (for my sins!). I will go back to work as a teaching assiatant/ administrator at the start of the new term and can't wait. Working from home drives me crazy. I live in London and have done so all my life. (A true cockney my friends!)
I have always had a passion for writing and it has been an outlet for me. I stopped writing when I had my daughter and now feel the need to start again. I have no experience of published work and am under no illusions. This is all for my own enjoyment.
My family and friends don't know about the writing I do, not even my partner! I'm a very private person and get embarrassed about some things. This is almost like a naughty little secret!! Don't know if that is good or bad really :) I was and still am so excited when I came across this site. Somewhere to put my work and hope that people think it's half decent. Tough on me if they don't; or them! I really appreciate any comments and reviews that I receive.
So, let's see where it takes us....