Profile for Philip Birkhead
The former Philip Birkhead, has now become Amber Armitage, who he secretly was all along. If you want to know about the phantom Philip Birkhead, ask Douglas Munday, he knows all about him!
I've lived in many countries, and the first 25 years of my life was privaledged and very good. At the age of 25, disaster struck and I developped schizaphrenia. I am 36 now. My famly are very supportive, but, for a long time my life was living Hell. I could not work, so I took up writing five years ago. I've been scribbling ever since. My mind explores forbidden places, and every momment of happiness or pleasure is like a deep gulp of air. I am currently writing part two of the Crystal Maze which will help you understand me much better than this profile will.
When I look back on those golden first 25 years, it's as if that Amber is a compleate stranger, so much so that it frightens me. She was kind, fun, and unremarkable. I would give my eye teeth to be her again, and somehow erase the last eleven years from my memory. The painful drugs, the terrible waking nightmares, the deadly games of chess with the psychiatrists, those horrible institutions full of lost souls. I am now so used to viewing life as a game of chess, as indeed, I do this website; that I am intent always on my next move, and forget to enjoy life. Now I can; my medication is correct, finaly, and I rarely become ill, these days. I am soon to be married, and my fiancee and myself would like to open a shop, some royalties from my writing could go a long way to helping set up a shop and stop it from ever going bust. We wouldn't need much money, so I would like to be published, but would not need mega-bucks.