Bella Fortuna
"A Warp in Time"
A warming sun is dawning in the sky,
A cool breeze cleanses my weary mind.
I'll think of you often before I die,
The sweetest love that ever materialised.
Laughter always lights your gentle face;
I like to see the crinkles around your eyes.
I listened intently to every word you spoke
And the unsaid words you cannot now revoke.
You know, as I do, that those unsaid words were true,
And you know my answers are hanging in the air -
Waiting to be plucked,
Like sun-ripened fruit.
Grasped tightly,
Devoured ravenously,
They tell...
Of a love so exquisite it can bear the agony of parting
Because absence
Is just a blink of an eye
For the Universe,
Just a hiccup,
A warp in time.
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