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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: carl smith

Title: I'm a poet and I no it

I'm a poet don't I know it,
the dogs bollocks,
proper bees knees,
copyrighted in xxx,
It's a poem well u'll see.

aint 50cents or M n M,
show me the fucking money,
I'm a bloke who just writes poems,
oh yeh aint this poetry.

It rhymes on time,
no eticute,
the Queen would call it grime,
I'm not Bob Dylan,
don't you know it,
writing poetry's a crime.

Infallible quintisentiale,
I guess I'm showing off,
like this shit, well you dont
I'll guess I'll cut my ear off.

Sensitive is my perogative,
its all just flooding out,
I'm confidently despondent,
a proper poet with world doubts.

Although I'm not a champion speller,
I've a flair for words with turds,
Pick up on my grammar,
I'll die a poet ain't you heard.


Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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