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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: carl smith

Title: weve made it at last

You and I, you and me,
we travelled a long journey,
upon this road so lonely,
we found our heartfelt destiny,
to find our own Love City.

I thought that love had lost me,
found only to be lonely,
a magnitude of misery,
it seemed my only destiny.

It was almost never ending,
my heart it was pretending,
broke down, in need of mending,
as I searched for mutual blending.

On this road I was hitch-hiking,
in the sea of hope was fishing,
for the spare part to my heart,
I was definitely missing.

I tried, oh' I tried,
I travelled far and wide,
I sighed so much I cried,
which hurt me deep inside.

So many passed me by,
whilst others they just lied,
Why me ?, that's only lonely,
no self-esteem or pride.

Down a slippery land-slide,
at this lonely road-side,
my heart had finally died,
too many times denied.

When all my wrongs felt right,
on the dark-side of loves light,
my heart it did excite,
when I saw your chink of light.

In the darkness of my night,
a spark it did ignite,
to jump start my lowly heart,
to the heights of all loves heights.

You seen my thumb,
you took my bait, you struck me dumb,
my feelings started reeling,
you turned my senses numb.

My heart is fully booked,
for a never ending date,
you took a lift,
to pick me up,
to make my heart unbreak.

You thought you'd never find me,
you said I set you free,
you too were blue,
on this road so lonely,
I hope you do too,
feel true as I do,
to destiny Love City.

I felt, you felt like me,
attraction took our fancy,
our humour is uncanny,
could this be destiny?

Your everything my heart needs,
or could ever contemplate,
it seems I found my destiny,
when love took me to your gate.

Let's get off this lonely road,
before it's too late,
unload our lonely load,
let's crack the code,
we've had a long, long, wait.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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