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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: Bella Fortuna(R)

Title: By Special Request - A Poem That Doesn't Have to Rhyme

For two special people - you know who you are.

My horoscope for October 2002 proclaimed thus
"Prosperity, Love and Abundance
Will come to you - just you watch."

And I liked that idea
So I pinned it
To the door of  my kitchen cupboard.

And I read it often.

"Huh!" declared a friend in 2004.
That didn't work, did it!"
And I pondered.

Look into my meagre purse, examine for yourself
My less-than-empty bank account - test the
Balance sheet theory
And you'll find
That my friend is right.

And I pondered some more. 

Not everything appears on the balance sheet of life, you know.
What price a glorious sunset?
The song of blackbirds and robins in Spring?
The early morning mist, hanging like sparkling diamonds, in the Mountains?
Fields of golden sunflowers raising their shy faces to greet the
New morning's sun?

And you two.

What price true friendship?
Laughing, eating, drinking with special people?
Crazy dancing to salsa CDs?
Christmas shopping with a broken ankle but a forever friend?
Being covered with maltesers by embarrassed old people
On a theatre trip?
Enjoying a 'photo shoot' on a special day?
What price would you put on these? 

I am blessed, I concluded.
I have nothing and yet everything that matters!
My heart is filled to overflowing with the happiness
Of sharing part of a lifetime with the two of you.
And my 'memory drive' is bursting full of the happy times we've had.

"Prosperity, love and abundance?"
I think so.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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