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  You are @ HomeAdults A day in my life

A day in my life

Source: Adults

Author: joan crawford

Title: Note to our Auto Dealer

Dear ……..

Our purchase of a new car has come at an auspicious time as my 95 year old, South American uncle has now `shuffled off this mortal coil` after eighty years of llama farming. As he had outlived his seven wives and since his only son, Pablo, had disappeared after inappropriate behaviour in the shearing shed, Uncle Pedro decided
that after his demise the proceeds from the sale of his farm should be made over to me.

Dear Uncle Pedro, he was so fond of his prize llama, Conchita, who was the outright winner of the 1960 Lima Llama Show.

There is, however, just one problem which could arise in our forthcoming transaction We may have to pay the remaining car balance in Peruvian centimos; this is because my `significant other` is so busy building his new gazebo that we will not have time to go and exchange the money at the bank in town. Our village Post Master has adamantly refused to deal in S. American currency which I thought was a bit mean. I hope that this arrangement won`t be too inconvenient for you. As a small compensation I will throw in a couple of two year old llamas which I am sure you will find useful for keeping down the grass which surrounds your mansion.


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