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  You are @ HomeAdults Lyrics


Source: Adults

Author: joan crawford

Title: Footwear `Issues`!

(Apologies to “We Plough the Fields and Scatter”)

"His foot was very painful,
he thought he had the gout
until he tipped his right shoe up
and found a Brussels sprout.
Sprouts are very good for you,
they`re healthy greens to munch
so I am goin` to cook this one
and serve it with his lunch!"
Socks and shoes and trainers left lying everywhere
So what`s the use, oh what`s the use of only half a pair?

A hot boiled egg slid off the spoon
and landed in his boot,
he hopped and danced about a bit
which gave us all a hoot!
He wondered where the sandwich went,
the one he never ate;
then later on it came to light
embedded in his skates.
Socks and shoes and trainers left lying everywhere
So what’s the use, oh what’s the use of only half a pair?

He kept his wellies in the shed
and in one jumped a toad
now who’d have thought a wellie would
become a toad’s abode!
The moral of this story is
look first before you use
you never know what lies inside
your wellies, boots and shoes
Socks and shoes and trainers left lying everywhere
So what’s the use, oh what’s the use of only half a pair?

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Lyrics

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