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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: joan crawford

Title: Yuletide

Season of Good Will

The Yuletide hype has now begun.
Adverts target everyone..
Lengthy lists of preparations
start with cards and decorations,
wrappings, tinsel, greetings tags,
brightly coloured, Christmas bags.

Round the town in every store
splashing out on gifts galore;
Time is short, the pace is hot
can’t remember who likes what!
Hoping all this disarray
will be resolved by Christmas Day

Yuletide music everywhere
keeps one’s mind on festive fare;
Turkey, puddings, Christmas cake,
Mince pies by the score to bake.
Sauces, stuffings, even more,
veg preparing, what a bore!

A slurp of sherry, gin or rum
makes one feel a tad less glum.
Then, of course, it`s good to see
the lights upon the Christmas tree
Greetings cards from one’s old friends
also help to make amends
The table’s laden, wine is mulled,
lunch is ready, crackers pulled,
everyone is gathered here,
full of fun and festive cheer.
gifts are opened all around.
Joy and happiness abound
Let’s not forget though why we’re here
to celebrate this time of year.
The Christmas message from above
was sent to spread the word of love
Instead of conflict, strife and war,
may peace be ours forevermore.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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