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  You are @ HomeAdults Lyrics


Source: Adults

Author: joan crawford

Title: Snowbound with Mercedes

A la San Francisco (a bit)

The lovely summer weather seems somehow far away
The frost and snow’s upon us, and here it’s set to stay
I feel terribly alone and forgotten by my friends
no more of carbon footprints until the winter ends!

I left my car
In icy weather,
High on a hill
It failed to start.
It’s there with other frozen cars,
stuck half way to the stars
and partly buried by the snow, it won’t go!

I struck black ice
and spun full circle,
there was a skid
and then a bang
so then threw it in reverse
and that was even worse
the other driver went berserk, in his Merc`!

My car lies there
In icy weather
Upon a blue
And windy tor
When I return to take repossession
I’ll hope that Merc` has left before!

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Lyrics

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