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  You are @ HomeAdults London 2012

London 2012

Source: Adults

Author: joan crawford

Title: Alternative World Sporting Venues

Sources close to the Minister for Sport have categorically stated that the 2012 London Olympics will still take place at their allotted times and places despite the fact that many of the original would-be participants may now be competing at other world venues in compliance with the new ` FIFA (Fix It For Action) ruling`.This follows the agreement to hold the 2022 Football World Cup in an alternative environment. Two other leading sports authorities are already investigating the possibilities of changing venues & seasons for staging their major events; under the guidance of the FIFA Committee.

Proposals are under way for the Ryder Cup, USA versus Europe, to be held in Northern Territory, Australia where a marsupial clearance is underway before the preparation of a new golf course at Alice Springs. The US Golf Masters could be relocated from Augusta, Georgia to Yellowstone Park, Wyoming for a January tee off. Entrants would, of course, be requested to supply their own golf balls, apart from white, the choice of colour would be optional.

The four tennis grand slams may now take place in Peru, Nepal, the Scottish Grampians and the French Apennines while Switzerland is on standby for The Whightman Cup. Further details will be announced when the availability of snowploughs and ground levelling equipment is known. In the event of some courts being uneven, either end to end or side to side, certain rules would have to be revised or relaxed. An ex world champion was heard to quip “Uphill tournaments should be interesting especially when the players are wearing fur mitts and sealskin boots!”

A controversy has arisen regarding the suggestion that the Qutar Football World Cup be delayed until the following January in order to avoid matches being played in extreme heat. The knock-on effect would cause European football clubs to extend their season throughout the summer of 2023. It is reported that holiday companies are worried about the adverse effect this would have on their profits as footballers are their main clientele for elite, Caribbean and Maldives destinations The Spanish government is concerned because their economy is so dependant on English football supporters who take their holidays during the closed season.

FIFA is leading a new sporting world order and there will be many changes ahead. It is hoped that all the lesser sporting authorities will support, finance and cooperate with them towards a smooth transition with as little disruption and inconvenience as possible.

Ben Drools
Sporting Globe

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > London 2012

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