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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: joan crawford

Title: Miss Ab` Fab`

What do you think will be next in high fashion?
What mode of dress will be this season’s passion?
What colour is `in`? What style for the hair?
What kind of accessories, chosen to wear?

Which highly priced label will now be revealed?
Which footwear the focus for all the well-heeled?
And décolleté. How much cleavage to show?
Hemlines, above the knee? Hemlines below?

Handbags? Designer? Each paid for with plastic
A `must have` albeit the outlay’s fantastic.
Celebrity `perfumes` extolled in the ads.
Are they so appealing? Or merely just fads?

Hours at the gym leaves her fit and well toned.
Self tanned and waxed and exquisitely honed.
Lip gloss and highlights, a touch of hair spray,
slap on `Celeb` scent then out on display.

Made up and dressed up it would be a pity
not to be seen in the town and the city.
strutting her stuff like a high fashion clone,
the modern Miss Ab` Fab` is rarely alone.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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