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joan crawford
Fairy Capers
Oberon & Titania
weren’t feeling very well.
they’d been to Queen Mab’s party
down in Dingly Dell
The fairy coach and horses
had dropped them at the door
but Oby missed his footing
and slid across the floor
Titania rushed to help him
but started feeling dizzy
she landed right beside him
and blamed it on the `fizzy`.
“I’ll sue that flaming` Mab,” she flared
“for serving cheap Champagne”
“I had Claret,” Oby said”
“Mab moaned about the stain!”
“I couldn’t help it if my foot
got tangled in her lace”
-“It wasn’t all you tangled with,
You grubby old disgrace!”
“No use to go to court.” He said,
we have to think things through,
if we make Mabby crabby
she’ll only counter-sue!”
Oby lay there on the floor
and mused for several hours,
his next idea was not so bright
“I’ll take her round some flowers.”
These words incensed Titania,
she yelled “Dear, Oby mine,
go buy her prickly roses
for where her sun don’t shine!”
Oby quickly changed his tune
her anger to dispel,
Instead, he took Titania flowers
He’d picked in Dingly Dell.
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> Poetry