joan crawford
Short Changed
Member: joan crawford Oooooh That Butcher) My Mother forewarned me of merchants like him treating his clients as if they were dim. His scales were located along the back wall, not easy to view any `readings` at all. A pound of smoked bacon, a quarter of ham, a carton of eggs and four cutlets of lamb. The top side of beef was intended for Sunday any remaining for `black bean` on Monday, the steak was to casserole during in the week, sausage, a must have, for bubble and squeak. “Is that all?” he rasped as he rang up the till. he snatched at the notes as I settled the bill. His prices inflated, my money depleted and I had the sense I`d been thoroughly cheated. Unpacking the goods it was quite plain to see that butcher had made quite a profit from me, I checked off my list against each of his sales, All underweight! Was his` hand on the scales`? I wasn`t the first and I wasn`t the last for word of his dodges had spread thick and fast, ex purchasers gathered, annoyed with his scams, and told him just where he could shove his boiled hams! So if you`re suspecting an overcharged bill If a hand`s on the scales, keep an eye on the till!
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