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  You are @ HomeAdults Poetry


Source: Adults

Author: joan crawford

Title: The Woore Hunt Cup

(A Local Family Meet Long Years Ago)

One day old Daniel said to Nance
“I think I`ll go to Woore
to make some money, here`s our chance
of winning I am sure.”
To this our Nancy did reply
“I’ve heard that tale before,
if you must waste your dough on sport
we`ll be naught else but poor”.
But this did not deter our man
he was dead set on going
and nothing could put off his plan
not even if `t`were snowing
His first stop was The Boar`sHead
of pints he had but four
then off upon his bike he sped
unto The Swan at Woore.
At last he landed on the course
Thus to the bookie went
To put a tenner on a horse,
and then, the beer tent.
Inside he went his thirst to quell
And who should he detect
but Arthur, Billy Tom and Nell
all with the same object.
He bought each one a pint or two
and thought it seemed quite funny
that he should all the spending do
while Tom had all the money.
Then Bill and Arthur had a fight
They`d both had too much `lotion`
He`d never seen a sorrier sight
Nor heard a worse commotion.
Of winners he had three or four
and when he `d left the races
went back up to The Swan at Woore
to sink a few more cases.
At length old Dan made tracks for home
his winnings all were spent
he vowed he never more would roam
that was his firm intent
but May has come around again
and weather wet or fine
again he will depart at ten
and not return `til nine.

Published on writebuzz®: Adults > Poetry

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