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  You are @ HomeAdults A day in my life

A day in my life

Source: Adults

Author: joan crawford

Title: Minding Hoover

(by E-mail)

Hi R.....

We noticed that you are having another stand at the local show next Wednesday & we wondered if you could possibly help us out with a favour, please?

To cut a long story short, last year we acquired a new family pet dog; a gorgeous little six week old Rhodesian Ridgeback cross Bull Mastiff puppy. To begin with we called him `Timmy; the previous Christmas we had attended a performance of Dickens` Christmas Carol & were very taken with `Tiny Tim`but now that our pet`s dimensions have increased tenfold, with an appetite to match, we have changed his name to Hoover, he is about the size of a Shetland pony.

Hoover doesn`t take kindly to being left alone in the house for lengthy periods, he becomes fretful & has, on several occasions, digested furniture, curtains & floor-coverings. Anyway, we have decided it would be kinder to bring Hoover to the show; the exercise will be very beneficial for him & provided his restraints are adequate he shouldn`t present any danger to the public.

We are fully aware that Hoover will not be allowed in the International Cheese tent or any of the food outlets and it would be foolish to take him among the vegetable displays and WI flower arrangements so we rather hoped that you would agree to accommodate Hoover; perhaps by attaching him to one of your larger car exhibits while we have a wander around the show ground? We will of course provide an adequate amount of food for his din dins,a shovel & a Sainsbury`s bag in case of any minor mishaps. A Sainsbury`s bag does add a touch of class I always think.

Au revoir then R....., see you Wednesday

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