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Profile for Barry Gee


A selection of works by Barry Gee

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Ref Title Author
SS-3180 Chere Julie, dear Jules. (Part4) Barry Gee
Po-3749 From here to there. Barry Gee
SS-6614 A Year in Normandy? Barry Gee
SS-7757 Rough Side. Barry Gee
SS-3297 Chere Julie, dear Jules. (Part 23) Barry Gee
SS-7752 Chere Julie, dear Jules. (revisited.) Part nine. Barry Gee
SS-3165 Chere Julie, dear Jules. (Part 2) Barry Gee
SS-3353 More added tar and nicotine. Barry Gee
SS-7681 1954 (Chapter one.) Barry Gee
SS-4049 Wood Smoke. Barry Gee
SS-7290 Holding the Crown Jewels. Barry Gee
SS-7732 Chere Julie, dear Jules (revisited) part six Barry Gee
SS-3272 Chere Julie, dear Jules. (Part 17) Barry Gee
L-7788 Tell it to your face. Barry Gee
SS-3775 Chere Julie, dear Jules. (Part 30) Barry Gee
SS-3201 Chere Julie, dear Jules. (Part 7) Barry Gee
SS-3328 Better late than Never. Barry Gee
Po-3770 Mary Louise Barry Gee
SS-4278 The Cabana Bar Barry Gee
Po-3765 A Room of my Own Barry Gee
SS-7265 Rock 'n Roll Vagabond. Part five Barry Gee
SS-3252 Chere Julie, dear Jules. (Part 14) Barry Gee
SS-3186 Chere Julie, dear Jules. (Part 6) Barry Gee
SS-7260 Rock 'n Roll Vagabond. Part two. Barry Gee
SS-3181 Chere Julie, dear Jules. (Part 5) Barry Gee

keyThe prefixes, in the references above, indicate the category. e.g. F = features, M = memorials,
Po = poetry, P = plots (i.e. sound-bites of current plots), WW = words of wisdom,  etc.

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