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Asher Khan

Profile for Asher Khan

Age - 34.
Status - All systems go.
Job - Freelance journalist.
Car - Lexus hybrid.
Food - Healthy option.
Drink - Mineral water.
Band - Snow Patrol.
Live - Eminem.
Book - Out of Eden by Stephen Oppenheimer.
Film - The Quiller memorandum.
T.V. - MTV.
Politics -  Ecological.
Religion - New scientist.
Pets - None.
Hobby - Kung-Fu.
Animal - Mongoose.
Likes - Intrigue and mystery.
Dislikes - Rampant capitalism.
Dinner guests - Elvis Presley, Marco Polo, Boy George, Hilary Clinton, Magda Goebbels, Queen Elizabeth 1st.  



A selection of works by Asher Khan

Sample of work from New Sample See new sample

Ref Title Author
Po-5354 collaboration project , part one . Asher Khan
Po-6519 Electric Baby Syrup. Asher Khan
Po-5174 Floating Dagger . Asher Khan
Po-7795 Pinned. Asher Khan
Po-5339 Sykle Billy's Insect Society Interface Scenario With Greed And A Pound Of Flesh . Asher Khan
Po-6673 Bangalore traffic jam. Asher Khan
Po-5443 Oil Refinery . Asher Khan
Po-6489 Live from Helmand Province. Asher Khan
Po-5363 collaboration project , part three . Asher Khan
Po-5647 Amoxycillin Nightmare . Asher Khan
H-5291 Moors Murders Time Line. Asher Khan
Po-5593 Recycling the big picture . Asher Khan
Po-6010 Soft Machine (permutation). Asher Khan
Po-7768 Shrouded. Asher Khan
Po-6700 From a High Country. Asher Khan
Po-5186 Glow Cat Glow. Asher Khan
Po-6606 The poignancy of Suzy Wong. Asher Khan
Po-5387 collaboration project , part five . Asher Khan

keyThe prefixes, in the references above, indicate the category. e.g. F = features, M = memorials,
Po = poetry, P = plots (i.e. sound-bites of current plots), WW = words of wisdom,  etc.

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