Profile for Trish Williams
Time for a little update! I'm a year older and a year wiser than the last one!
I write for myself. I have got brave enough to share my work. I hope that it is enjoyed by others. I enjoy my work being reviewed, though that is not my aim. I don't work from ego, just heart and soul.....Feel free to critique my heart and soul if you so wish. Whatever I write, however many mistakes I make, prove one thing. I am not perfect.....PHEW!!!!
I was educated in the school of life. Much upheavel through childhood years, didn't help with my education! The bonus being that I have lived in some beautiful places. Great, but didn't help with spellings , punctuation, grammar.
And, no, never too old to learn. If I ever get to a point that I wish to write professionally, I would study our language more!
I write mostly from personal experiences. Catharsis for my soul.
If one piece of my writing touches the heart of one person in this big world. I'm happy with that.
I thoroughly enjoy reading peoples work on here. I never lose sight of the fact that we are all human beings at the end of these computers.
We're all very different, as are our styles.( I don't have one!) The variety is great!
I live a busy little life at times. I work as a Nanny. I have three gorgeous Grandchildren. I live in a lovely town in Cheshire, where I think I have grown roots! Though I must say, my spiritual home is in the Orkney Islands. Home is where the heart is.
Well, that's me folks.....Enjoy!!! I do. And remember, kindness breeds kindness.....and it costs nothing. Even the credit crunch can't touch it!
Thanks for all of your reviews so far.