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You will find poetry of all forms below.
From haikus to sonnets.
Profound or flippant.
Emotive, raw, humorous, fun.
No rules.

Sample of work from Poetry New Sample See new sample

Ref Title Author
Po-2833 What has happened to our world? Laura Watson
Po-7774 Disorder This. jonny graham
Po-2844 If it's happened once it can happen again Tanya Withers
Po-3396 Another Stroke of Crime-combating Genius Stuart Johnson
Po-7076 Robin Hood Tax Peter Philips
Po-5103 Purple-leaved orange disease Mike Lucas
Po-5172 Redman Rites . jonny graham
Po-6351 Rose-tinted memories Rhona Aitken
Po-6842 Look now. John Michaelson
Po-3691 FORBIDDEN FRUIT Neil Marsden
Po-6435 The Clothes line Rhona Aitken
Po-7223 Pure Magic Geraldine Harper
Po-2525 Old Soldier Barry Gee
Po-6722 Lemon Souffle. jonny graham
Po-7450 Wrong Place Wrong Chime Peter Philips
Po-2675 A little word Wendy White
Po-6307 Child of Mine Trish Williams
Po-7728 Another Day of Nothing Alice Jameson
Po-7895 The Fire Emma Lashley
Po-4200 Very Nearly Me carl smith
Po-7359 Becoming Someone Else Peter Philips
Po-4089 a second of me Jan Miklaszewicz
Po-5681 “Sophia's Wisdom” Bella Fortuna
Po-7030 Manage This Isabella Thornston
Po-6441 Exploitation of Dolphins. jonny graham

keyThe prefixes, in the references above, indicate the category. e.g. F = features, M = memorials,
Po = poetry, P = plots (i.e. sound-bites of current plots), WW = words of wisdom,  etc.

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