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Mike Lucas

Profile for Mike Lucas

I live in the South West where the weather used to be nice. I seem to be writing more and more recently and it's becoming a bit of an obsession - but a good one.

My other obsessions are tae kwon do and running - a good selection because you leave both your options open.

Just turned forty and don't feel any different.

My first book is entitled "A Load of New Nonsense." Written primarily for children (but not necessarily only for children) it consists of 99 nonsense rhymes.

My second collection of poetry, out for Halloween and entitled, "Tales from an Alien's Toe," (it makes sense when you think about it) is now finished. I've illustrated this one. Being launched at an event in Waterstones, Plymouth at Halloween.

Both are available from Waterstones and Amazon. Also available from my website www.gingercatpublishing.co.uk



A selection of works by Mike Lucas

Sample of work from New Sample See new sample

Ref Title Author
Po-5772 The cannibal down my street Mike Lucas
Po-5904 How the cows disappeared Mike Lucas
Po-5103 Purple-leaved orange disease Mike Lucas
Po-5735 I taiks me branes owt Mike Lucas
Po-4886 Why animals don’t have computers Mike Lucas
Po-4866 Monsters in my car Mike Lucas
Po-5718 A lost leg Mike Lucas
Po-5147 Single star "thing" William Lawrence
Po-5929 A blatant advert for my book Mike Lucas
Po-5859 Zombie vampire frogs from outer space Mike Lucas
LB-4888 My Rock Mike Lucas
Po-5179 The last word on the subject Mike Lucas
Po-4959 All in One Lifetime William Lawrence
Po-5751 The monster down the plughole Mike Lucas

keyThe prefixes, in the references above, indicate the category. e.g. F = features, M = memorials,
Po = poetry, P = plots (i.e. sound-bites of current plots), WW = words of wisdom,  etc.

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