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You will find poetry of all forms below.
From haikus to sonnets.
Profound or flippant.
Emotive, raw, humorous, fun.
No rules.

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Ref Title Author
Po-2344 Twenty odd thousand days Joe Barrett
Po-5551 A work of Genie--ous matthew newman
Po-5630 Sunbeds at Dawn (well it is the holiday season). Douglas Munday
Po-4723 We're watching! BeccaD
Po-6839 Trick or Trick? Peter Philips
Po-6850 Good intentions John Michaelson
Po-2741 Virgin Sheets Kelly Sweet
Po-4791 Guerrillas in our Midst . jonny graham
Po-7482 The funambulist Rhona Aitken
Po-5177 Suicide Sect . jonny graham
Po-7627 Size Isn't Everything. jonny graham
Po-5718 A lost leg Mike Lucas
Po-2202 Buses start in Volgograd Bob Lakin
Po-6651 Tra La La La La Jackie Baldwin
Po-7768 Shrouded. Asher Khan
Po-512 Man Hunt Rebecca Adams
Po-7023 The acute exhaustion of silence. jonny graham
Po-2444 Hard Hitting Tanya Withers
Po-5547 The Mary Rose (with a little poetic licence and a slight apology to historical fact.) Douglas Munday
Po-5850 Magnus, the mad Dalmation. Douglas Munday
Po-6211 The Road Harris Maguire
Po-7409 Offices of the Dead. jonny graham
Po-2939 Literary Madness Bernie Pointer
Po-1575 It hurts to be. George Owen
Po-6174 The Circle Rhona Aitken

keyThe prefixes, in the references above, indicate the category. e.g. F = features, M = memorials,
Po = poetry, P = plots (i.e. sound-bites of current plots), WW = words of wisdom,  etc.

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