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Hello writers and readers!

You have landed on 'The Best of writebuzz.com' - the official tribute site of writebuzz.com.

writebuzz.com was open to contributions from amateur and professional writers for seven years - from June 2005 to May 2012.

Writers were invited to publish sound-bites of their work for feedback and review. There were over 8,000 publications on the former interactive site.

This (Best of writebuzz.com) site is a scaled-down version of the original site, showcasing a subset of the publications concerned. The selection criteria was based on popularity (via reviews) and readership (via clicks).

If you have time to spend browsing and reading we are sure that you will find something that interests and inspires you. Navigation is easy - we have displayed a random sample of publications below. To refresh this and see a new random sample simply click on the 'See new sample' option below. You can also browse by categories - the menu on the left - or by channels - the menu at the top.

We would like to thank all contributors for their support and this wonderful legacy of writing in all genres - poetry, short-stories, lyrics and more….


“Fame is a bee. / It has a song / It has a sting / Ah, too, it has a wing.” Emily Dickinson

© writebuzz® 2012. All rights reserved. 

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Ref Title Author
Po-2402 Silence is Golden Lloyd Williams
Po-6784 Winter Sonnet Jen Hazelton
SS-3542 EARTH SEED Penny Graham
Po-2484 MY RESTLESS SOUL raminder kaur
Po-3011 MORNING Maggie Clark
Po-3177 Golden ? Adam Booth
Po-5212 Black Cat douglas munday
Po-6269 Cost of Living Stunt. Special Deal.( includes free poem). jonny graham
SS-6876 It was less of a smile... Darren Nicholson
DL-2276 ....and now the news Lloyd Williams
Po-6613 Rifleman. jonny graham
SS-2758 Late Harvest Ann Marie Saarelainen-Simard
Po-3263 "Did You Choose the Sunset?" Bella Fortuna
Po-3449 Motley (1) Lorna Snowden
Po-4784 Come on home BeccaD
Po-7001 A Trip to the Doctors Office Isabella Thornston
SS-2929 The Last Summer of Love. Dill Carver
LB-4202 Memories Linger On Jack Beeton
Po-5938 christmass bliss Jonathan Howard
Po-7299 Gastric Bandit Bernie Pointer
SS-3599 Hob's Lane. (A Ghost Story for Christmas) Final Bit Hugh Hazelton
Po-5586 Home and Away Geraldine Harper
LO-7430 Dining By Moonlight Stephen Atkinson
Po-4979 Melody...x Laura Watson

keyThe prefixes, in the references above, indicate the category. e.g. F = features, M = memorials,
Po = poetry, P = plots (i.e. sound-bites of current plots), WW = words of wisdom,  etc.

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